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In-App Sponsor Banners Explained

In-App Sponsor Banners Explained

Q: How is the revenue shared between you and the school on a monthly/annual basis?  

A: There is no revenue sharing based on purchasing products and/or services offered by the sponsor via coupon and or discounted services as a "click-thru" PDF in the app. That is between you and the sponsorship agreement you set with them.

Q: Do you offer Are tiers?

A: Yes. If you offer a tiered program, we can assign specific sponsor banners to High, Medium or Low setting.

The price to place the banner in the mobile app stays the same no matter what level of frequency you place them at. 

  • High= 100% frequency
  • Medium= 50% frequency
  • Low = 33% frequency

Q: Banners in the Mobile App?

A: Per Sponsor Banner 

  1. Impression + Click-thru Banners: $150 annual (12.50 month)
    Banners in the app which is viewed (Impressions) + have the functionality to open up any PDF file which could contain any couponpromo offer or company information. The PDF file can have the functionality to then click-thru to any website link. 


Mobile in-app sponsorships explained

Q: Do the sponsors sign up through the app?

A: The SPONSOR can sign up through the PAY NOW button or the ORGANIZATION responsible for the app can handle the transactions in-house.

The sponsor may view the minimal cost at  $12.50• a month (Impressions+Click-thrus) as a great price and want to just handle it themselves. 

Pay Now

•paid annually 

Q: Is there any type of tracking available to know the ROI?

A: Yes. We track every impression and every click in the app. AKA142 Media can supply you with the numbers upon request.

example only



Q: How do we address those sponsors that have already made a donation for advertisement?

A: You may give them the Sponsorship Upgrade after they have already made their donation or you can have them decide and pay online through the PAY NOW link. Companies pay $1,000's every year for advertising and marketing. They may see this as a way to expand their brand to a specific audience, of which, they already support.

*Important: The cost for the Impressions and/or Impressions+Click-thrus per ad stays the same for you. This gives you the ability to manage your tiered programs without worrying about an extra cost to publish the sponsors banner based on a tiered frequency level. If you have set up some type of revenue sharing with the sponsor than that is between you and the sponsor only.